paintball gun

The paintball gun, also called a marker, is the key tool that allows players to shoot paintballs and engage in the game of paintball. There are many different kinds of markers on the market, but they can be broken down into three main types based on the needs of the player. These are recreational, tournament and reusable paintball guns.

The first thing that the prospective player should consider when selecting a marker is where they plan to play. The type of playing field will dictate the kind of marker that is needed, and the most suitable caliber. There are two types of nozzles that can be used in a paintball marker: a single hose and a double hose. A single hose marker is typically less expensive and simpler to operate than a double hose marker. However, the double hose marker has a longer barrel and more power, which can make it harder to maneuver.

There are several questions that the potential player should ask themselves before purchasing a paintball gun, including what type of caliber they need and whether they want to play a competitive or recreational game. There are also other important considerations, such as the number of shots per tank and the availability of CO2 or compressed air tanks for the marker.

Once the potential player decides where they will be playing and what type of gun they want, they can start to look at other features that will make the choice easier. The most common propellants for paintball markers are CO2 and compressed air. The CO2 is stored in a small tank and converted to gas form when it is used, which then opens a valve and lets the expanding gas propel the paintball forward. CO2 is more commonly available than compressed air and it tends to be cheaper than the higher priced compressed air.

Another option for a paintball marker is an electronic one, which uses a battery to control the firing mechanism. The electric system also allows the player to change firing modes from semi-automatic to a programmable mode that can fire more than one paintball at a time, known as shot ramping. The electronic system can also be used to set the marker’s hopper to reload in either a fixed or gravity feed mode.

Mechanical markers are primarily used by beginners and those on a tight budget, as they tend to be the most inexpensive. Most mechanical markers use a Sheridan Valve, which involves using a sear catch to hold a striker or hammer under spring tension while a valve holds the bolt that loads a paintball into the breech. To cock the marker, the player pulls a trigger which moves the hammer to the sear catch and opens the valve. The trigger can then be pulled to fire the paintball, after which a spring resets the mechanism for the next shot.

For intermediate players who want to take the game more seriously, a high quality, professional model is a great option. Many of the leading manufacturers produce professional level paintball markers that can be used in both recreational and tournament competitions. The Planet Eclipse Etha 3 and Empire Axe are two of the most popular options for this category of paintball gun.